Luck Of The Icon

3 min readMay 25, 2021


We could find millions of names, we could acquire symbols, we chose to call ourselves the Scandinavian Goddess Sif… Well, what made us SIF was what touched our souls and brought us to the story? Let me explain ...

Coming from the Scandinavian Saami, or indigenous people, Sif was once known as Ravdna and was considered the goddess of the rowan tree. This tree, known as the tree of God's savior on earth, caught our attention. It was what we wanted to make meaning for us. She reminded us that there are more important things in the world than money and power. We were all fruits of the rowan tree. When our time came, we came to the world and then disappeared .. We realized that the important thing is not to rot in the soil in our liveliest times and that what we want will never be offered to us from where we sit. We took the action and took the first step by saying that leave this to him more than wealth, luxury and prosperity in the world and let this be your name, even when you are gone, so that everyone will live you by your name.

We believed that Sif, who is also a goddess of harvest, will bring us abundance and fertility. The universe that brought Sif to Thor has reached the whole universe with their perfect harmony and unity. Of course, human beings who succumb to their soul like Loki will put obstacles in front of the steps taken. However, the second thing we are aware of is that goodness and togetherness will always win and that the envious people will strive for the more magnificent golden hair that replaces the hair of Sif, who was cut with the help of dwarves like Loki for regret.

It is very rare to find a perfect thing that combines power, abundance, splendor, harmony and splendor.

We are aware of the importance of the first step, more importantly, it will be the last step you take before you go. Because people remember you with your last look or your last words. From today to our last step, we will adhere to our principles for the same honesty, abundance, harmony and unity, and therefore we will never be forgotten. Join this power, SIF now!

Join us and let's meet;




SIF TOKEN is a SIFIRINCIFILO initiative that derives its power from the binance smart chain. Its purpose is to fund the ecosystem of created projects.